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Tips for NUnit & XUnit#

These tips apply when using the RunInMem or BDD Verify harnesses.

Tips for NUnit#

TestConfig & IDefaultTestConfig#

Configure the TestConfig in the AssemblySetup to avoid the one-time reflective cost of looking for an IDefaultTestConfig

Ignore logLine#

logLine will use Console.Out when not provided and NUnit handles this well so logs will output to the console.

Tips for XUnit#

XUnit is a bit more cumbersome than NUnit when you want to log results to the test output.

TestConfig & IDefaultTestConfig#

XUnit does not have a concept like AssemblySetup so you'll want to create an IDefaultTestConfig

logLine and ITestOutputHelper#

To log results to the test output, you'll need to use their ITestOutputHelper.

Set logLine = _testOutputHelper.WriteLine.

new AppRunner<Git>().RunInMem(args, _testOutputHelper.WriteLine)

AsyncLocal helper#

The CommandDotNet tests use the following extension methods and ambient ITextOutputHelper class to simplify our tests. This gives us a similar experience to NUnit except we still need a constructor for every test class.

public static class Ambient
    private static readonly AsyncLocal<ITestOutputHelper> TestOutputHelper = new AsyncLocal<ITestOutputHelper>();

    public static ITestOutputHelper Output
        get => TestOutputHelper.Value;
        set => TestOutputHelper.Value = value;

    public static Action<string> WriteLine
            var output = Output;
            if (output == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(Ambient)}.{nameof(Output)} has not been set for the current test");

            return output.WriteLine;

public static class AppRunnerScenarioExtensions
    public static AppRunnerResult RunInMem(
        this AppRunner runner,
        string args,
        Func<TestConsole, string> onReadLine = null,
        IEnumerable<string> pipedInput = null)
        return runner.RunInMem(args, Ambient.WriteLine, onReadLine, pipedInput);

    public static AppRunnerResult RunInMem(
        this AppRunner runner,
        string[] args,
        Func<TestConsole, string> onReadLine = null,
        IEnumerable<string> pipedInput = null)
        return runner.RunInMem(args, Ambient.WriteLine, onReadLine, pipedInput);

    public static AppRunnerResult Verify(this AppRunner appRunner, IScenario scenario)
        // use Test.Default to force testing of TestConfig.GetDefaultFromSubClass()
        return appRunner.Verify(Ambient.WriteLine, TestConfig.Default, scenario);
and we can use it in our tests like this

public class GitTests
    public GitTests(ITestOutputHelper output)
        Ambient.Output = output;

    public void Checkout_NewBranch_WithoutBranchFlag_Fails()
        new AppRunner<Git>()
            .Verify(new Scenario
                When = { Args = "checkout lala" },
                Then =
                    ExitCode = 1,
                    Output = "error: pathspec 'lala' did not match any file(s) known to git"

instead of

public class GitTests
    private readonly ITestOutputHelper _output;

    public GitTests(ITestOutputHelper output)
        _output = output;

    public void Checkout_NewBranch_WithoutBranchFlag_Fails()
        new AppRunner<Git>()
            .Verify(_output.WriteLine, new Scenario
                When = { Args = "checkout lala" },
                Then =
                    ExitCode = 1,
                    Output = "error: pathspec 'lala' did not match any file(s) known to git"